Avoiding a Clogged Drain in Your KC Bathroom
August 22, 2023

Nothing is as annoying as a clogged drain or faucet in the bathroom. If you’re a Kansas City homeowner who has experienced a clogged drain on at least one occasion, you know how frustrating (and inconvenient) it is. Perhaps you’ve been through a situation where the sink backed up when running water, draining oh-so-slowly until one day, it no longer drained at all. What was the culprit?
Below we’ve revealed some of the “drain demons” you want to avoid (and some you can‘t avoid), a few of which may be a surprise.
This one’s a no-brainer, we know. Hair, especially long hair, is notorious for clogging drains over time, whether in the bathroom sink, shower, or tub. Hair can also get inside the faucet, causing problems. This is a problem that it’s tough to avoid; after all, we all have to wash our hair!
Toothpaste and soap.
Sure they’re necessary for good hygiene, but bits of soap or toothpaste can harden in the drain, causing it to clog. The same goes for the faucet, so try to avoid direct contact with the faucet – or at least wipe away residue as quickly as possible, before it has the chance to harden. You’ll also want to check the faucet outlet for blockage frequently.
Makeup, lotions, etc.
Most foundations, lipsticks, and lotions contain waxy substances that can clog the drain or faucet, as these waxy ingredients tend to harden over time. While you may think running hot water will “melt” the waxy stuff away, it’s not as effective as you think. When these substances get in the sink or on the faucet outlet, clean it up immediately, before it has a chance to go down the drain and cause problems.
Drain cleaner.
What? Are you reading this right? That’s right. Drain cleaner can be your friend, or your enemy. While a little Drano can be effective, using it too often or using too much can actually create grooves inside of pipes due to corrosion; these grooves are the perfect place for “gunk” to collect! Use drain cleaners sparingly, and only when you have to.
Well, duh! Who hasn’t had the frightening thought of a favorite (or expensive) ring or earring going down the drain? We all have, but we still tend to wear jewelry while washing our hands, or leave a necklace on while washing our face. Just don’t do it! Steer clear of the sink and drain when putting your jewelry on, and remove rings, bracelets, etc. when washing hands.
Shaving cream and whiskers.
“Gooey” is the best way to describe this combination! The collection of shaving cream or gel and whiskers on your razor is really a blob of goop once rinsed from the razor – and where does it go? Down the drain.
At Hamilton Plumbing Heating A/C Rooter, we know there are some things you can’t avoid, like washing your hair, brushing your teeth, and shaving. But you CAN clean out the sink each day to wipe away as much gunk and residue as possible. When you have a clogged drain that no amount of plunging or the right amount of drain cleaner won’t take care of, give our Kansas City plumbing professionals a call at (913) 227-4943 or schedule an appointment online. Problem solved!